VVSDK  1.0
The VVAmbisonic Library
Macros | Functions | Variables
VVAmbisonicC.cpp File Reference
#include "VVAmbisonic.h"
#include "VVAmbisonicCHelp.h"
#include "VVAmbisonicC.h"




EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVTetra_Allocate (long sampleRate, const char *calibrationFilePath)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION int VVTetra_setProgram (int program)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION int VVTetra_setProgramByName (const char *programName)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVTetra_getCurProgramName (char *programName)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVTetra_setAddressMode (short mode)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVTetra_setAmbiFormat (int fmt)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION bool VVTetra_canProcess ()
EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVTetra_process (float *a, float *b, float *c, float *d, long numSamples)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVRotate_Allocate (long sampleRate)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVRotate_setAmbiFormat (int fmt)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVRotate_setMirrors (bool mX, bool mY, bool mZ)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVRotate_setAngles (float rotate, float tilt, float tumble)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION bool VVRotate_canProcess ()
EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVRotate_process (float *a, float *b, float *c, float *d, long numSamples)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVRotate_processFast (float *a, float *b, float *c, float *d, float *rotate, float *tilt, float *tumble, long numSamples)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVDecode_Allocate (long sampleRate)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION int VVDecode_setProgram (int program)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION int VVDecode_setProgramByName (const char *programName)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVDecode_getCurProgramName (char *programName)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVDecode_setAmbiFormat (int fmt)
EXPORTED_FUNCTION bool VVDecode_canProcess ()
EXPORTED_FUNCTION int VVDecode_getNumOutputs ()
EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVDecode_process (float *a, float *b, float *c, float *d, long numSamples)


VVTetravvTetra = nullptr
VVRotatevvRotate = nullptr
VVDecodevvDecode = nullptr

Macro Definition Documentation


Function Documentation

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVDecode_Allocate ( long  sampleRate)


EXPORTED_FUNCTION bool VVDecode_canProcess ( )

Always true

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVDecode_Free ( )


EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVDecode_getCurProgramName ( char *  programName)

Returns the name of the currently selected program.

EXPORTED_FUNCTION int VVDecode_getNumOutputs ( )

Returns the number of outputs used by the currently selected program. Can vary from 1 to 8.

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVDecode_process ( float *  a,
float *  b,
float *  c,
float *  d,
long  numSamples 

Process audio blocks. Will always take 4 channels in. Number of output channels varies.

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVDecode_setAmbiFormat ( int  fmt)

Sets the ambisonic format to FuMa or ACN/SN3D

EXPORTED_FUNCTION int VVDecode_setProgram ( int  program)

Selects one of the available programs by number.

EXPORTED_FUNCTION int VVDecode_setProgramByName ( const char *  programName)

Selects one of the available programs by name e.g. XY, 5.1 or Cube.

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVRotate_Allocate ( long  sampleRate)


EXPORTED_FUNCTION bool VVRotate_canProcess ( )

Always true

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVRotate_Free ( )


EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVRotate_process ( float *  a,
float *  b,
float *  c,
float *  d,
long  numSamples 

Processes blocks of audio. Will always take 4 channels in and 4 channels out.

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVRotate_processFast ( float *  a,
float *  b,
float *  c,
float *  d,
float *  rotate,
float *  tilt,
float *  tumble,
long  numSamples 

Processes blocks of audio. Will always take 7 channels in and 4 channels out.

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVRotate_setAmbiFormat ( int  fmt)

Sets the ambisonic format to FuMa or ACN/SN3D

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVRotate_setAngles ( float  rotate,
float  tilt,
float  tumble 

Rotates the soundfield then given amount. Rotate is positive left. Tilt is positive counterclockwise. Tumble is positive up. All directions refer to movement of the scene relative to the microphone.

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVRotate_setMirrors ( bool  mX,
bool  mY,
bool  mZ 

Mirrors the soundfield along thgiven axis when the flag is true, i.e. if mX is true then flip front to back

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVTetra_Allocate ( long  sampleRate,
const char *  calibrationFilePath 

Calibration path is a directory where calibration files are found. Will use default locations if NULL or empty.

EXPORTED_FUNCTION bool VVTetra_canProcess ( )

Checks that the selected calibration has filters for the current sampling rate.



EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVTetra_getCurProgramName ( char *  programName)

Returns the name of the currently selected program.

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVTetra_process ( float *  a,
float *  b,
float *  c,
float *  d,
long  numSamples 

Processes blocks of audio. Will always take 4 channels in and 4 channels out.

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVTetra_setAddressMode ( short  mode)

Sets processing to normal or end-fire modes

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void VVTetra_setAmbiFormat ( int  fmt)

Sets the ambisonic format to FuMa or ACN/SN3D

EXPORTED_FUNCTION int VVTetra_setProgram ( int  program)

Selects one of the available programs by enum.

EXPORTED_FUNCTION int VVTetra_setProgramByName ( const char *  programName)

Selects one of the available programs by name. Usually a TetraMic serial number like 2003.

Variable Documentation

VVDecode* vvDecode = nullptr
VVRotate* vvRotate = nullptr
VVTetra* vvTetra = nullptr