This is the complete list of members for AVVDecode, including all inherited members.
AVVDecode(long sampleRate) | AVVDecode | |
AVVDecodeBase(long sampleRate) | AVVDecodeBase | |
canProcess() | AVVDecode | |
getCurOutput() | AVVDecodeBase | |
getCurProgram() | AVVDecodeBase | |
getCurProgramName() | AVVDecodeBase | |
getInputFormat() | AVVDecodeBase | |
getInvAngles(float(*azi)[MAXMICS], float(*elev)[MAXMICS], float(*dir)[MAXMICS]) | AVVDecode | |
getNumOutputs() | AVVDecodeBase | |
getNumOutputsInternal() | AVVDecodeBase | |
getParameter(int index) | AVVDecodeBase | |
getParameterDefault(int index) | AVVDecodeBase | |
getProgramName(int index, char *programName) | AVVDecodeBase | |
getVu() | AVVDecodeBase | |
getVuSub(int index) | AVVDecodeBase | |
getXML() | AVVDecodeBase | |
getXMLBlock(char *block, int maxSize) | AVVDecodeBase | |
headSize2Parm(float headSize) | AVVDecodeBase | inlinestatic |
kAmbiFormat enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kAzimuth enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kBinaural enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kBinauralHigh enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kBinauralLow enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kCurMic enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kDifffuseFieldEQ enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kDirectivity enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kDist enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kEffAzi enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kEffDir enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kEffElev enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kElevation enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kFloor enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kGain enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kHeadSize enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kLinkDirs enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kLinkDists enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kLinkFloors enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kLinkPairs enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kLowLatency enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kMasterGain enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kMute enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kNFC enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kNumMasterParams enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kNumMicParams enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kNumMics enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kNumParams enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kPInv enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kShelfFilter enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kSmooth enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kSolo enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kSpare1 enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kSpare2 enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kSpare3 enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kSpare4 enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kSpare5 enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kSpare6 enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kSubject enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
kWidth enum value | AVVDecodeBase | |
mics2Parm(int i) | AVVDecodeBase | inlinestatic |
notifyHostValueChanged(int index, float newValue) | AVVDecodeBase | |
parm2HeadSize(float x) | AVVDecodeBase | inlinestatic |
parm2Mics(float x) | AVVDecodeBase | inlinestatic |
parm2SubjectNum(float x) | AVVDecodeBase | inlinestatic |
processReplacing(float **inputs, float **outputs, int sampleFrames) | AVVDecode | virtual |
setHostCallback(HostCallback *newHostCallback) | AVVDecodeBase | |
setInputFormat(int fmt) | AVVDecodeBase | |
setParameter(int index, float value) | AVVDecode | |
setParameterNotifyingHost(int index, float newValue) | AVVDecodeBase | |
setParamWOLinkingOrNotifying(int index, float newValue) | AVVDecodeBase | |
setProgram(int program) | AVVDecode | |
setProgram(string programName) | AVVDecode | |
setSamplingRate(float sampleRate) | AVVDecode | virtual |
setXML(CXMLElement *xml) | AVVDecodeBase | |
setXMLBlock(char *block) | AVVDecodeBase | |
subjectNum2Parm(int subject) | AVVDecodeBase | inlinestatic |
~AVVDecode() | AVVDecode | |
~AVVDecodeBase() | AVVDecodeBase | |